Anton mustafa Bal*
Name: *see above
Born on: June 14th, 1988
Born in: San Mateo, California, USA (between San Francisco and Silicon Valley)
Born to: German Mother / Turkish Father
Citizenship: American (USA) / German (EU Citizen / registered NL resident)
Languages: English / German / Dutch / Turkish, in fluency from native to proficient
Living in: Bos en Lommer, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Who I am:
A self described Silicon Valley exile, post modern performance artist, multi-cultural case study. Specializing in a little, quite good at a lot, and getting better at knowing what I’m bad at. Middlebrow producer, consumer, and curator of food, drink, and multimedia.
What I do:
Make nice things, solve problems while providing solutions, in a simple yet complex way, on my own and with help from friends, family and colleagues. Inquire within for more details . . .
What I have done:
Social Media Manager (April 2019 - May 2020)
- Isobar Netherlands (Dentsu Aegis Network)
- ACHTUNG!Isobar (January 2020 - May 220)
Content Manager / Creative / Marketeer (September 2018 - March 2019)
- Jimmy Joy (formerly known as Joylent)
Content Creative (May 2018 - August 2018)
- Dept Agency
Freelance (February 2018 - April 2018)
- Various clients / projects
Online Marketer (2015 - January 2018)
Content / Community Manager (2014 - January 2018)
- Vinylify (July 2014 - January 2018)
- Our/Amsterdam Vodka (November 2015 - January 2018)
- NOISE (January 2016 - January 2018)
- CROWD (January 2016 - January 2018)
- CROWD (January 2016 - January 2018)
Project Executive (July 2014 - January 2018)
- Bored of Advisors
Gap Analysis Specialist (2013)
- Philips (2013)
Student (2011-2013)
- Fontys University of Applied Science (Eindhoven)
- IBMS (International Business Management Studies)
Student (2006-2010)
- SRJC (Santa Rosa Junior College), Santa Rosa/Petaluma, USA
- General Education (Philosophy/Math/English/History)
Multimedia Designer / Developer (2006 - 2013)
- Freelance (2006 - 2013)
- Axum Studios (2007 - 2009)
- Topware Interactive (2008 - 2009)
Pizza Maker / Line Cook
- Romeo’s Pizza (2006-2007)
Shop Assistant / Carpenter Apprentice
- Cabinet Shop (2005)
Student (2002-2006)
- Casa Grande High School, Petaluma, CA, USA
- Web Design (Intro/Advanced) and Graphic/Print Design (DTP)