I've had a crash course in online marketing in the nearly 4 years of creative work in Amsterdam. Launched both Our/Amsterdam Vodka and Vinylify, the first locally, the second internationally, with my colleagues at Bored of Advisors, and by extension, the Make Some NOISE Group. Likewise have helped market brands such as Koupe Protein Ice Cream, Bottel Beer, and more clients of NOISE.
Specializing in:
- Social Media Marketing
Facebook (Ads Manager):
Organic and Sponsored Content Marketing
Acquisition Funnels
Retargeting Funnels
Organic and Sponsored Content Marketing
Organic and Sponsored Content Marketing
Organic and Sponsored Content Marketing
Efficient use for customer service and followup with key customers and stakeholders
- Mailchimp (Email) Marketing
Seasonal mailers, such as Mother's and Father's Day, Valentine's, Xmas / Holiday Season, etc
Segmented Targeting / Dynamic Mails
Custom segmenting of customers into different categories
Dynamic content served to specific categories of customers